7 Things to Consider Before Buying a Wash Basin for Your Bathroom

7 Things to Consider Before Buying a Wash Basin for Your Bathroom
Posted by NACS | December 21, 2022

Washbasins in the bathrooms are considered by homeowners as the centerpiece of any bathroom since they make the entire area seem incomplete without them. It can be difficult to choose the perfect wash basin for your restroom because there are so many options available, including Tabletop wash basins, Wall-mounted wash basins, Full pedestal wash basins, Half pedestal wash basins, Designer wash basins, etc. 

All of these wash basins come along in different styles, and shapes and have unique designs. It is therefore important to select one that perfectly complements the style and interior of your bathroom.

Therefore, if you are having trouble selecting the ideal wash basin for your restroom, this article will be very beneficial for you. We will emphasize several significant elements that are crucial to take into account while selecting a particular type of wash basin that suits your taste.

How Do You Choose The Perfect Wash Basin?

Choose The Appropriate Material

Choose The Appropriate Material

Wash Basins are now found in a variety of materials, including stone, ceramic, resin, glass, and marble. However, White ceramic washbasins are by far the most common type used in bathrooms, while various colors are also offered and available in the market.  More importantly, they all have distinct functions. 

If you are looking for wash basins that are robust, easy to clean and maintain and always provide the same aesthetic look then you should check out the wash basins offered by NACS International. While being utilitarian in nature, these basins are stylish and sleek, while some of them can also offer you a classic appeal.

Know About Different Types Of Wash Basins

Know About Different Types Of Wash Basins

A newly renovated bathroom can elevate the design of your house and turn it into a unique, stylish place unmatched by any other room. Determining the wash basin’s design and type will thus enable you to give your restroom a regal feel. Consider if you want to choose a regular wash basin, a designer washbasin, or a half pedestal wash basin.

If you are renovating your home and want to give it a new look. Currently, the latest innovative and most luxurious choice is undoubtedly the designer wash basins. These wash basins have become popular because they offer you exquisite colors, shapes, and creative designs to choose from. 

Select Your Mount For Wash Basin

Select Your Mount For Wash Basin

Wash basins can be mounted in a few different ways, including wall-mounted, counter-mounted, and freestanding. Consider which mounting type will work best for your bathroom and your personal preferences. A strong and incorporated wash basin creates a sleek, sophisticated appearance. Determining the correct mount for your wash basin is crucial in this regard. 

For example, for tabletop wash basins, you need a standing counter to place them on, full pedestal basins come with pedestal support which helps them stand on their own, they look stylish and don’t take up a lot of space, while half pedestal wash basins are available in different sizes depending on the size of your bathroom. Therefore, choose as per your requirement.

Take A Look At The Size Of The Area

Take A Look At The Size Of The Area

When choosing the wash basin’s design, Make sure to measure the space where you plan to install the wash basin, as well as any surrounding elements like cabinets or walls. This will help you choose a wash basin that fits well in your bathroom.

For example, if you select a full pedestal wash basin then you need to know that it does not come with more room or storage space, which is thought to be their major downside. However, if your restroom has enough space,  go with the platform wash basin, you can either build a sink-height closet or a few small racks. When wisely chosen, the capacity unit and basin will enhance one another, enhancing the overall design of your bathroom.

Look At Your Available Storage Options

Look At Your Available Storage Options 

In many bathrooms, space is limited for nail brushes, shampoos, and towels. If you need additional space, now is the ideal time to think about choosing a wash basin that has a cabinet that serves its duty and gives the bathroom a neat and polished appearance

On the other hand, you might choose a conventional pedestal-style wash basin if your restroom does not have much space. They still have superb looks, are available in a variety of styles to match any environment, and save up valuable floor space.

Consider Your Budget

Consider Your Budget 

When it comes to buying a wash basin for your bathroom, it’s important to consider your budget. Wash basins can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on the size, material, style, and other factors. It’s important to set a budget before you start shopping, so you can narrow down your options and focus on wash basins that fit your price range.

One way to save money on your wash basin is to shop around and compare prices at different suppliers. You may also be able to find discounts or sales on certain models or materials. 

It’s also a good idea to consider the long-term cost of your wash basin, beyond just the initial purchase price. Some materials and styles may require more maintenance or repairs over time, which can add to the overall cost. By thinking about these factors, you can make an informed decision that balances your budget with the overall quality and durability of the wash basin you choose.



Different materials and styles of wash basins may require different levels of maintenance. Consider whether you want a wash basin that is easy to clean and maintain, or if you don’t mind a bit more upkeep.

In conclusion, there are several important things to consider before purchasing a wash basin for your bathroom. Size, material, style, mounting type, drainage, price, and maintenance are all factors that can influence your decision. By taking the time to consider each of these elements, you can ensure that you choose a wash basin that meets your needs, fits your budget and fits in with the overall design of your bathroom. With the right wash basin, you’ll be able to enjoy a functional and stylish addition to your bathroom for years to come.

By considering these factors, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect wash basin for your bathroom. So, if you are considering buying a new wash basin for your house, you should visit the official website of NACS International. You will be able to come across a variety of wash basins available in exquisite shapes, colors, and sizes.